No amount of careful planning will prevent screw-ups large and small. Sometimes a little oopsie is just that.
Oops #1: I was using a level to make sure a bowl would come out even. I lost focus and left the level in the bowl when I turned the kiln on. But the power went out that night. The glass did not break and the level did not explode or melt all over the piece. Phewie.
Oops #2: Programming the kiln correctly is essential. I have no idea what I did on this one, but it got too hot. The piece cracked on the way up. Lost a lot of work.
Oops #3: Here it got even more too hot, and the pieces melted all over the place, and the glass took out large hunks of the kiln floor. A costly mistake. S—t. Screw ups do not always involve the kiln. Here the mold was not strong enough to hold the glass and it blew out, as they say. That’s a lot of glass and a lot of time down the tubes. Rats.